Families in Transition (FIT)

What rights do FIT students have in schools?
Every child has a right to a free and appropriate public education and required to attend school regularly. Children and youth who fit the federal definition of homelessness under the McKinney-Vento Act have the right to:
School Selection
Students experiencing temporary or transitional housing situations have two school enrollment options-the school of origin or the zoned school in their new location. The school of origin is the school that the student last attended before losing housing. Students who are in these housing situations must remain in their school of origin unless it is against the wishes of the parents or guardians, and only if it is in the best interest of the student. Students may remain in their school of origin the entire time they are experiencing homelessness and until the end of the academic year in which they move into permanent housing.
School districts must immediately enroll students who are in temporary or transitional housing situations, even if they do not have required documents, including school records, medical records, and proof of residency. For assistance with obtaining such documentation, please contact your child's school social worker.
At a parent or guardian’s request, students who qualify for FIT must be provided with transportation to and from their school of origin, to the extent feasible. Feasibility is determined by considering the best interest of the student and limitations of district transportation.
Free Meals
Students who are the in FIT program automatically qualify for free meals. Immediate eligibility is granted-no formal application is necessary.
Dispute Resolution
Whenever a dispute arises, the student must be admitted immediately to the requested school (school of origin OR zoned school) while the dispute is being resolved. When a determination has been made, the district must provide the parent or guardian with a written explanation of its school placement decision and the right to appeal.
What services can FIT students receive?
Through the FIT program, school social workers can help students and families with:
Hygiene Supplies
School Supplies
Connection to Medical Services (Primary Care, Dental, Vision)
Mental Health Referrals
Wraparound Services (ARKids, Medicaid, SNAP)
Who can help a FIT student upon identification?
The school social worker at your child's school building will be able to identify whether or not you qualify for the FIT program and assist you with services. You can also reach out to Mrs. Reina Hart, pictured above, who is the district's McKinney Vento liaison. If you think you may qualify for FIT, please fill out our residency form.