Springdale Schools Child Nutrition
To apply for Free and Reduced lunch, click here. If you need any assistance applying for Free and Reduced lunch contact your school social worker.
Samaritan's Washington County Food Resource List
Samaritan Community Center's updated list of food resources in Washington County.
Summer EBT provides grocery-buying benefits to low-income families with school-aged children when schools are closed for the summer. Summer EBT benefits will come in the form of pre-loaded cards that families can use to purchase groceries. Starting in the summer of 2024, families will receive $120 per eligible child. These benefits work together with other available FNS nutrition assistance programs, such as summer meal sites, SNAP, and WIC, to help ensure kids have consistent access to critical nutrition when school is out. You may automatically qualify for Summer EBT without the need to apply. Use the tool on this webpage to determine if you automatically qualify, need to apply, or do not qualify. If you do not automatically qualify and need to apply, you can fill out the application form here and bring it to your local DHS office or email it to summerEBT@dhs.arkansas.gov. If you have questions about Summer EBT, check out these FAQs or reach out to your school's social worker. Additionally, feel free to use the informational links below.
OrderAhead is a fast, private, & easy way to order free groceries online.
Find free or reduced cost resources for food, housing, and more here.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP)
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provides food assistance to eligible households to cover a portion of a household’s food budget.
Bread of Life- First United Methodist Church
Offers a food pantry that is available on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month.
NWA Food Bank offers a monthly mobile food pantry across 18 cities in Northwest Arkansas. Click here for the monthly schedule.
Treehouse Pantry is available to all Springdale School District families and students. All Treehouse Pantry resources can be accessed through your student's school social worker, counselor, or nurse.
Choice food pantry, available Monday-Thursday of each week. Mobile pantry is available.
Samaritan offers a food pantry and hot meals, with access Tuesday-Thursday of each week.
Serves a free lunch every Wednesday from 10:45am-12:15pm.
Elm Springs United Methodist Church (Soul Food)
Soul Food offers free grocery pick up every Tuesday from 10am-2pm and 5pm-7pm.
Provides stable food products and personal care items, every Saturday from 9am-11am.
Serves a meal to the community each month and offers a Little Free Food Pantry located outside of the church. Check their Facebook page for dates and times.
Offers a weekly food pantry. Visit their Facebook page here for more information on dates and times.
Offers a food pantry every Monday from 5:30pm-7:30pm.
Offers free community meals twice a month. The last Wednesday of each month from 6pm-8pm, at Murphy Park Gazebo - 501 S. Pleasant Street, Springdale, AR 72764 and the 2nd Friday of the month from 6pm-9pm at 589 White Road Springdale, AR 72762.
Actions & Truth Ministry Genesis Church
Genesis operates a food pantry and clothing closet that is available during at various times throughout the week.
Community Meals are served Tuesday and Thursday at 11:30AM at the Central United Methodist Church in the Athletic Center.
Food bags are distributed Monday and Wednesday from 10am-2PM.
Clothing Closet is available Monday and Wednesday from 10am-2PM.
Showers are available Monday and Wednesday from 10am-1PM.
Samaritan Church
Offers a free community meal every Tuesday from 5:30pm-7:30pm. Located at Murphy Park Gazebo - 501 S. Pleasant Street, Springdale, AR 72764
Mercy Center of NWA - Mercy and Grace Cathedral
Mercy and Grace offers a food pantry every Tuesday from 10am-1pm. Located at 5185 Apple Rd., Springdale, AR 72762
Seventh Day Adventist Hispanic
Offers at food pantry every Wednesday. Contact for hours, 479-387-4473. Located at 206 N. Westwood Ln. Springdale, AR 72762
Marshallese ENRÃ Food Pantry
This pantry caters to the Marshallese community food preferences. Available every Wednesday from 9am-5pm. Located at 614 E Emma Ave., Springdale, AR 72764.
Elmdale Baptist
Offers a free community meal the last Friday of the month from 6pm-7pm. Located at 1700 W. Huntsville, Springdale, AR 72764
St. Joseph’s Catholic Church
Offers a food pantry every Monday from 5:30pm-6:30pm. Located at 192 E. Henri De Tonti Blvd, Springdale, AR 72762.
Mercy Clinic Springdale
Offers a Little Free Food Pantry near the front entrance. Located at 4600 Mercy Lane, Springdale, AR 72762.
Offers a pantry every Wednesday from 9am-11am.
Bridge Over Troubled Waters Food Pantry
Offers a food pantry the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month.
Cooperative Emergency Outreach (CEO)
CEO provides emergency assistance, including food, to residents of Washington, County, Arkansas, and is open Monday, Wednesday, & Friday.
Offers a food pantry every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday from 8:30am-11:30am, Monday and Thursday evenings from 6pm-7pm. Spanish speaking staff available Thursday evenings.
Mount Comfort Presbyterian Church
Offers community meals the 2nd Sunday of each month at 12pm.
Offers a food pantry Monday-Friday from 8:30am-3pm and breakfast Monday-Thursday from 8:30am-10am.
Squire Jehegan Outreach Center
Offers a community food pantry on Tuesdays from 9am-1pm and Thursdays from 10am-1pm. For assistance complete food pantry intake form here.
Offers community meals every Monday and Wednesday from 11:30am-12:30pm. Friendly Fridge and Little Free Food Pantry available 7 days a week.
Trinity United Methodist Church We Are Nourished Food Pantry
Trinity offers a food pantry every Wednesday from 5pm-7pm, a community meal every Sunday from 4pm-6pm. There is a Friendly Fridge available 7 days a week.
Salvation Army
Offers community breakfast Monday-Sunday at 6am and dinner at 5pm. Located at 219 W. 15th Street, Fayetteville, AR 72701
Central United Methodist Church, Genesis Campus
Offers community meals every Tuesday and Thursday from 11:30am-12:30pm and food bags every Monday and Wednesday from 10am-2pm. Located at 205 MLK Blvd., Fayetteville, AR 72701.
Central United Methodist Church, Dickson Street
Offers community meals every Tuesday and Thursday from 11:30am-12:30pm. Located at 6 W. Dickson St., Fayetteville, AR.
Center Street Church of Christ
Food pantry available every Thursday from 9:30-11am. Located at 310 W Center St., Fayetteville, AR 72701
Hope for the City - Cross Church
Provides a community meal every Wednesdaam-3pmy from 12pm-1pm and community breakfast every Saturday from 8am-10am. Located at 613 S. College Ave., Fayetteville, AR 72701
Benton County
WayStation is a day shelter and resource center in Rogers open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., for Benton County residents. WayStation offers breakfast, lunch and to-go bags for dinner. They can assist in applying for SNAP and help obtain a phone, a bike, camping gear, and clean clothes.
Care Community Center, Root Cellar Food Pantry
Food pantry in Rogers. By appointment only.
Food Pantry in Rogers. Walk-ups during hours of operation or you can schedule an appointment.
Food pantry in Bentonville. Check calendar for the latest in times, locations, and closing updates.
Food pantry in Bentonville.
Food Pantry in Bentonville. Bring ID, SS#, verification of Benton County Residence.
Weekly community-style meal in Bentonville, Rogers, and Springdale called "Neighbor Night". Click the link to see where.
Samaritan's Benton County Food Resource List
Click the link to see more Benton county food resources.