For a complete list of housing resources such as low-income housing, affordable housing, second chance housing, and shelters click here.
HARK helps connect people across NWA to needed resources that are offered in the community.
Springdale Housing Authority offers low income housing options to those that qualify in the area. For a list of participating landlords click here.
The 7hills HOPE program provides rapid rehousing, transitional housing, and permanent supportive housing services, covering the full spectrum of housing needs.
Canopy provides all newly-arriving refugee families with intensive case management and financial support for their first 90 days in the US.
Fayetteville Housing Authority (FHA)
FHA provides affordable, safe, and quality housing to low to moderate income families.
Northwest Regional Housing Authority
Northwest Regional Housing Authority supplies rental properties found at various locations throughout North-Central Arkansas.
C&W offers affordable, multi-family residential communities in Springdale.
TKO was established in 2009, as an affordable, quality, property management company.
Trinity Multifamily
Trinity Multifamily offers affordable housing options, contact them at 479-301-2095 for more information.
Transitional Housing
Working to help mothers with addiction and keep families together in Northwest Arkansas.
Desired Haven Family Care AR Baptist Home
Transitional housing for women recovering from substance abuse.
Transitional housing for individuals and families in need of recovery from drug, alcohol abuse, addictions, poverty, and homelessness
Harbor House, Inc. is a behavioral health agency dedicated to providing hope and healing for those suffering from addiction. HHI provides recovery management through multiple pathways of care.
Transitional community for mom and children while mom works towards independent living.
Healing and Opportunities for victims of human trafficking. Prevention and Education for communities.
Residential treatment for women who have experienced trauma, sexual exploitation, addiction & incarceration.
New Beginnings Transitional House
Faith based transitional Housing for single young women, 18‐23 y/o with no children in care. Apply on their website. 60 days of sobriety required.
Nicole’s House is a Northwest Arkansas transitional housing for women coming out of addiction. Nicole’s House is a faith-based non-profit, dedicated to helping women transition back into their community while they recover from drug and addiction.
Women's transitional living community for women in recovery and their children.
Women recovering from addiction, life threatening situations and incarceration.
Long term housing program for young women 18‐24 who have aged out of foster care.
Transitional community for men in recovery.