Mr. Damon Donnell
Executive Director of Student Services
Who Should I Contact to Request a 504 Referral Conference for My Child?
Please contact your child's building 504 designee to schedule a 504 referral conference (see below). At this conference, your child's eligibility for a 504 plan will be determined by the 504 team.
Parent Resources
District 504 Designee Resources
Restricted Access
Section 504

What is Section 504?
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a national law that protects qualified individuals from discrimination based on their disability. The nondiscrimination requirements of the law apply to employers and organizations that receive financial assistance from any Federal department or agency, including the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). These organizations and employers include many hospitals, nursing homes, mental health centers and human service programs (schools and universities).
Section 504 forbids organizations and employers from excluding or denying individuals with disabilities an equal opportunity to receive program benefits and services. It defines the rights of individuals with disabilities to participate in, and have access to, program benefits and services.
Who is Protected from Discrimination?
Section 504 protects qualified individuals with disabilities. Section 504 defines a person with a disability as anyone who:
Has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities such as caring for one's self, performing manual tasks, seeing, hearing, eating, sleeping, walking, standing, lifting, bending, speaking, breathing, learning, reading, concentrating, thinking, communicating, and working;
Has a record of such impairment or;
Is regarded as having such an impairment.
Section 504 is designed to provide equal access in general education to students with disabilities, thereby leveling the playing field for them through what is known as a Section 504 Accommodation Plan.
District 504 Designees
Building Name | 504 Building Designee | Phone | |
Archer Learning Center | Nichole Davis | amber.davis@sdale.org | 479-750-8773 |
Bayyari Elementary | Brandolyn Peterson | bpeterson@sdale.org | 479-750-8760 |
Central Junior High School | Stephanie Hinsey | shinsey@sdale.org | 479-750-8854 |
Childers-Knapp Elementary | Wendi Pickard | wpickard@sdale.org | 479-750-8850 |
Don Tyson School of Innovation | Chelsea Perry | cperry2@sdale.org | 479-750-8780 |
Don Tyson School of Innovation - VIA | Shay Hopper | shopper@sdale.org | 479-750-8780 |
Early Childhood Center | Megan Rojo | mrojo@sdale.org | 479-750-8889 |
Elmdale Elementary | Pete Joenks | pjoenks@sdale.org | 479-750-8859 |
George Elementary | Sonia Hernandez | sonia.hernandez@sdale.org | 479-750-8710 |
George Junior High School | Josh Jenkins | jjenkins@sdale.org | 479-750-8750 |
Har-Ber High School | TJ Weiss | tweiss2@sdale.org | 479-750-8777 |
Harp Elementary | Dr. Tammy Butler | tbutler@sdale.org | 479-750-8740 |
Helen Tyson Middle School | Chris Venters | cventers@sdale.org | 479-750-8720 |
Hellstern Middle School | Ben Thompson | ben.thompson@sdale.org | 479-750-8725 |
Hunt Elementary | Patti Athey | pathey@sdale.org | 479-750-8775 |
J.O. Kelly Middle School | Cara Collins | collins@sdale.org | 479-750-8730 |
Jones Elementary | Melanie Johnson | mjohnson6@sdale.org | 479-750-8865 |
K-8 Connect | Korillene Flanigan | kflanigan@sdale.org | 479-334-4656 |
Lakeside Junior High School | Chris Harmon | charmon@sdale.org | 479-750-8885 |
Monitor Elementary | Cassie Marquette | cmarquette@sdale.org | 479-750-8749 |
Parson Hills Elementary | Jennifer Oesterle | joesterle@sdale.org | 479-750-8877 |
Rollins Elementary | Jody Johnson | jjohnson5@sdale.org | 479-750-8721 |
Shaw Elementary | Dori Little | dlittle@sdale.org | 479-750-8898 |
Smith Elementary | Heather Barron | hbarron2@sdale.org | 479-750-8846 |
Sonora Elementary | Lindsay Hennarichs | lhennarichs@sdale.org | 479-750-8820 |
Sonora Middle School | Aaron Tinnin | atinnin@sdale.org | 479-750-8821 |
Southwest Junior High School | Karen Johnson | karen.johnson@sdale.org | 479-750-8849 |
Springdale High School | Betsy Barker | ebarker@sdale.org | 479-750-8832 |
Turnbow Elementary | Alison Washkowiak | awashkowiak@sdale.org | 479-750-8785 |
Tyson Elementary | Ashley Kirby | akirby2@sdale.org | 479-750-8862 |
Walker Elementary | Katie Wilson | kwilson3@sdale.org | 479-750-8874 |
Westwood Elementary | Martha Tompkins | mtompkins@sdale.org | 479-750-8871 |
Young Elementary | Sara Kennedy | skennedy@sdale.org | 479-750-8770 |