Springdale EAST Students and Shelly Poage Present
Shelly Poage, principal of John Tyson Elementary School, and two Springdale EAST students presented before an international audience at the Aurora Institute Symposium this afternoon.
They joined Derek Wenmoth (FutureMakers, New Zealand), Dr. Marsha Jones (former SPS Deputy Superintendent), and Joe DiMartino (Center for Secondary School Redesign Inc.) to discuss student agency during a symposium breakout session entitled Agency by Design: Making Learning Engaging. Miller, a 5th grader at John Tyson Elementary School and Jevin, a former JTE student and current 6th grader at HTMS, shared their perspectives as partners in the learning process.
In addition to today's panel discussion, JTE EAST students' work will be featured during Day 3 of the Symposium. The organizer of the event commented that "Your submissions were wonderful and great examples of student-led creativity. Furthermore, your videos thoughtfully responded to the theme: “What does diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) mean to you?”
Submission Video:

Miller | 5th Grader John Tyson
Jevin | 6th Grader Helen Tyson
So That ALL May Grow Video
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