Students from George Elementary are wrote 5 sentence paragraphs about their favorite snow activity or memory. Pictured are third grade students from Mrs. Weatherford’s class, Aracelis Diaz Gandia and Matthew Zamora. Thank you for sharing with us!
Alexa Gallardo, from Sonora Elementary, wrote a story about a snow adventure. Looks like a good time was had by all! Thank you for sharing with us!
To continue on our first ever remote teaching and learning snow day, check out these photos of students from Sonora Elementary!
Abbey Ebey created a snowman who is promoting mask wearing. She plans on creating a story to share how she built her snowman! Kevin is excited to play in the snow and try out his new game he created with his family. Emma Elliot and her brother created a trap out of a box, wooden dominos, and tape. They plan on trapping an elf and bringing it to school! Lily Smith is measuring how much snowfall they got with a yardstick.
Pictured here is Allena, from Sonora Elementary, creating a game to be played in the snow. Thank you for sharing with us!
This is Mason Parrington's drawing of the wackiest snowman using labeled shapes from Sonora Elementary! Thank you for sharing with us!
Mireya from Sonora Elementary is seen here measuring the snow in three different places to determine an average. Way to go Mireya!
Brooke Holland from Kindergarten Sonora Elementary is seen here completing her assignment today with her furry friend! Reading by Christmas Tree Light with a friend. Thank you for sharing with us!
Check out these pictures of students from Sonora Elementary on our first ever remote teaching and learning snow day! Thank you for sharing with us!
While playing outside in the snow, 4th grade students are also collecting snow samples for a science inquiry. They are recording the amount of time it takes to melt 1 cup of snow in their home (room temperature). They are also observing to see if the melted snow still measures 1 cup and explaining why or why not.
Aixa Alcorta Lopez from Kindergarten Sonora Elementary is seen here completing her assignment today! Reading by Christmas Tree Light with a friend.
Next up on our remote learning snow day stories for today we have Brooke Holland from Kindergarten Sonora Elementary! The assignment from home is to build a trap to Catch an Elf! We hope you catch that elf Brooke!
On our first ever remote teaching and learning snow day, Assistant Principal at John Tyson Elementary, Ashley Kirby, shares with us this photo of her kids working on their baking assignment today!
The Michaelson brothers made a candle at home!
"Our power went out over night, so we looked up different ways to make candles. We made one out of butter, one with an orange and olive oil, one with a crayon, and one with lard. All of them worked! Who knew? Lard was the winner if you were wondering."
Central States Manufacture partners with Elmdale Elementary to bring food, gifts, and a celebration for all of Elmdale kids. This is the second year of Operation Reindeer. Students got a book, underwear, socks, a toy, coloring book/crayons, a hat, a box of frozen chicken and a box of dry goods. This year the Samaritan Feet also donated shoes and socks for every student in the building. In addition Elmdale had a drive through family celebration where Santa Claus and Ms. Claus, the Grinch, and other Disney characters were dancing and greeting the families as they drove through. A total of 266 families attended the celebration. Operation Reindeer Celebration brought a bit of joy to Elmdale! Big thank you to Central States and Samaritan Feet!
"I had an opportunity to switch jobs but I think right now my calling is to help Springdale Schools in a capacity that is needed. I knew they were short on substitutes so I felt the need to be in a position to sub." - Courtney Fletcher
The Springdale Schools will have remote teaching and learning on Monday, December 14, 2020 . All school buildings will be closed.
Please see the flyers below for important information regarding enrollment at Don Tyson for 2021-2022.
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Calling all future Super Subs! Join the Springdale family today by applying at! Make a difference in your community! #SuperSubs
Elsa and Anna along with other characters made an appearance at Winter Wonderland at Parson Hills Elementary last night. Families drove through a tunnel Christmas lights to receive a food box and toys. All donations were made thanks to Central States Manufacturing.
"I substitute because I like being on the same schedule as my kids. I particularly like subbing at their school, Westwood." - Rebekah Johnson
"Subbing is good if you want to get into education. It gets your name out and gets you into a good environment." - Brian Handley