GJHS student flu immunization clinic will be on Friday, October 23rd from 1pm-2pm. Flu forms will be sent home with every student on Thursday, October 1st and Friday, October 2nd. Completed forms should be turned into the nurse or the main office no later than Thursday, October 22nd. Tuesday/Thursday blended students who wish to participate in the immunization clinic need to come to the school on Friday 10/23 at 1 pm and the student will be given priority to get them in and out of the school as quickly as possible.
On this weeks episode of Asi Es Springdale:
We discuss the Flu Clinic Information, Ozark Guidance, Truity Check presentation and Economic Arkansas
There is so much more to Free and Reduced Lunch than Great Food!
Hay mucho mas beneficios en aplicar para almuerzos gratis o reducidos que solo buena comida
Our George Wrangler football team is selling t-shirts and hoodies as a fundraiser for their team. If you are interested in supporting the team, please visit the link below for more information.
Wrangler Families: Just a friendly reminder that you have until Wednesday, September 30th to pay the $20 enrollment fee for your student's SCPP (Chromebook insurance). You can pay online through our online payment webstore or pay by cash, check, or money order in the main office. If you have not paid by the deadline, your student will not be eligible to participate in the SCPP. Thank you so much.
It is so much more than a meal! Apply today at www.schoolcafe.com
Springdale Parents and Patrons,
Please see this message from Dr. Jared Cleveland, Superintendent about Remote Teacher and Learning Days on October 16 and 19
Have you filled yours out yet? It is time to POWER UP!
Here is some information about an upcoming virtual (Zoom) Parent/Guardian night with Ozark Guidance/Arisa Health on Coping with COVID19. Please check it out if you are interested!
Parents please read this important flyer below to learn about free and reduced lunch. Please apply by October 5th.
Padres, por favor lean este anuncio importante sobre almuerzos gratis y reducidos. Favor de aplicar para el 5 de Octubre.
Wrangler Families: Please help us keep our students safe by reducing the number of people who enter our building each day. You can do this by not bringing them lunch or student IDs or other items they can do without. If students do not wish to eat in our cafeteria, they need to bring their own lunch. Also, without an ID, they will still eat, but at the end of the lunch line. Help us to help students become more responsible by not showing up each time they forget items. Thanks for your support.
Favor de llenar el formulario de almuerzos gratis y reducidos! Son más que solo almuerzos, también ayudan en apoyar a los programas de nuestro sistema escolar.
Please fill out Free and Reduced Lunch forms! It is more than meals, it also helps important programs in the our school system
Come out and support the Springdale Schools Band programs and get a free car wash! The first 1,000 are free!!! Thank you Speedy Splash
When you qualify for Free or Reduced Price Lunch you also get FREE resources and opportunities!
Wrangler Families:
If you haven't already done so, we need you to fill out our GJHS Handbook Acknowledgement, Media Authorizations, and SCPP enrollment form. We need this filled out for every GJHS student by September 30th. If you have already filled out this form, please disregard. However, please note this form is different than the Digital AUA that you had to sign in order to get your child their Chromebook. The link to this form can be found below or on our school website:
This weekend looks like a perfect weekend to support our band and get a free car wash! First 1,000 are free!
Wrangler Families: A reminder about Student Involved Parent Conferences tonight beginning at 4:15! Our teachers would love to visit with you virtually. Please ask your student about logging on with their chromebook at their invited time. Thank you for being a part of their academic progress!
Padres, por favor lean el anuncio importante sobre almuerzos gratis y reducidos. ¡Es más que un almuerzo!
Parents, please read the important announcement about free and reduced lunch. More than just a meal!