School Starts - 8:05 a.m.
School Ends - 3:30 p.m.
Doors Open - 7:30 a.m.
Breakfast Served - 7:30 a.m.
Tardy - If a student arrives after 8:05 a.m., a parent or guardian is to come in with the tardy student and check that student in at the office!
*Best time to schedule your child's appointments should be after school hours.
*Students are only allowed 7 absences per semester.
Attendance & Bell Schedule

I. Parent Responsibilities
A. It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to see that the student is in attendance at school. The parent or guardian is to notify the school office when the student is absent
B. For students who have a doctor or other professional appointments on a regular basis during the school day, parents or guardians should meet with the school principal, nurse, and/or counselor to develop a plan to address the child’s needs. It is preferred that these regular appointments take place outside of the school day. If parents or guardians are unable to schedule these appointments outside of the school day, then it is preferred that the appointments be scheduled:
1. at the beginning or end of the school day, and/or
2. parents or guardians should stagger the time of such appointments so that they do not miss the same part of class each time.
C. If for any reason a student must leave school during regular school hours, he or she should be signed out by a parent or guardian through the office.
Students arriving at school late are to be signed in by a parent or guardian at the office. Excessive tardies and/or early checkouts may be referred to authorities.
D. If possible, parents or guardians should provide documentation of reasons for student absences.
II. Excessive Absences
A. Seven (7) absences per semester will be considered excessive in elementary and middle schools. It is at this point that school officials may notify authorities as determined by the principal. Absences for the following reasons will not be counted toward the seven (7) absences:
a. School Business:
i. School sponsored field trips, assemblies, contests, or any other school activity as determined by the building principal.
b. Medical:
i. Student absences due to the directive of the student’s medical doctor or doctor/dental appointments. Doctor/dental appointments must indicate the day and time the student was seen in the doctor/dental office. Appropriate documentation must be submitted to the attendance office.
c. Military:
i. Student absences due to military deployment on leave from active duty of a parent or legal guardian.
d. Legal:
i. Student absences due to court or legal appointments. Court/legal appointments must indicate the day and time the student was seen at court or at the attorney’s office. Appropriate documentation from the court/legal office must be submitted to the attendance office.
e. Suspensions (In-School Suspensions [ISS], Out-of-School Suspension [OSS]):
i. Student absences due to administrative directive, used as a disciplinary sanction.
f. Exceptional Circumstances:
i. Student absences as due to exceptional circumstances as determined with prior approval of the building principal
B. Accumulating an excessive number of absences may be a basis of denial of promotion.
III. Notification to Parents of Student Absences
A. The student’s parents or guardians shall be notified as required by law and as necessary. As a minimum this notification shall occur when the student has accumulated three (3), five (5), and six (6) absences per semester. Notice may be by telephonic contact or by mail with the student’s parents or guardian.