⚠️IMPORTANT Information Regarding Remote Learning⚠️
Here is the Zoom schedule for our Remote Learning Week: November 30th - December 4th. All students are required to log into one of the two Zoom times offered for their grade level. In addition to the daily Zoom with their class, teachers will be posting lessons and activities for all core subject areas in Seesaw (K-2nd) and Google Classroom (3rd-5th). If your child was absent on Thursday or Friday before Thanksgiving break and your child did not take their technology device home, you can pick it up in our office today. Students who do not complete their assignments will be counted absent, so please check to be sure your child is completing his/her assignments. If your child is struggling with something, please reach out to their classroom teacher between 8:00 am and 3:00 pm. Teachers will be monitoring their email as well as their Seesaw or Google Classroom to support students. Teachers will also be scheduling virtual and in person small groups throughout the week, so be sure to watch for communication from your child's teacher. Thank you for supporting your child's learning at home. Feel free to call the school office if you have any questions.
Este es el horario de Zoom para la siguiente Semana de Enseñanza a Distancia o Remota que tendrá lugar del 30 de noviembre al 4 de diciembre. TODOS los alumnos deben ingresar en uno de los dos Zoom que se ofrecerá para cada grado. Además del Zoom diario con sus clases, los profesores estarán publicando lecciones y actividades para todas las clases principales en Seesaw para los grados de K, 1ero y 2do grado y a Google Classroom para el 3ero, 4to y 5to grado. Si su hijo(a) estuvo ausente el jueves o viernes antes de la fiesta de Acción de Gracias, y no llevó a casa su dispositivo tecnológico (iPads), puede recogerlo de la oficina el Lunes en la mañana. Si algún día los alumnos no completan su trabajo del día, se le considerará cómo ausente, por lo que es muy importante que un adulto monitoree y facilite el trabajo de cada alumno en casa. Si su hijo (a) tuviera dificultad con algún tema, contáctese con su profesor(a) de aula entre las 8:00 am y 3:00 pm. Los profesores estarán monitoreando sus correos electrónicos, así cómo los Seesaw y Google Classroom para dar apoyo o ayuda a los alumnos. Durante la semana los profesores(as) tambien estarán programando grupos pequeños en forma personalizada o virtual, por lo tanto asegúrese de revisar si tiene algún mensaje o enlace de Zoom del profesor(a) de su hijo(a). Nosotros estamos tristes que no tendremos a los alumnos en la escuela el día lunes, pero su seguridad es nuestra mayor preocupación. Agradecemos su apoyo en el aprendizaje de su hijo(a) en casa. Por favor háganos saber si necesita nuestra ayuda!
Jen Nobōmba 30 raan ñan Tijemba 4 rej raan in Zoom ko ñan an Rijikuul ro kōmane katak ko aer jen moko ak Remote Learning Week. Aolep rej jikuul ro rej aikuij in nej log in ñan juon ian awa kein emōj kōlaajrakiki ekkar ñan kireet (Grade) eo an rijikuul ro. Ijolokin aer zoom aolep raain ippen kilaaj ko aer, Rikaki ro aer renej bareinwōt ilik ak post aer katak kōn subject ko rej kōmane aolep raan. Seesaw ñan kilaaj K-2 im Google Classroom ñan kilaaj 3-5. Ñe rijikuul eo/ro nejim raan jab jikuul ilo Taije eo im Wenje eo mokta jen kar Thanksgiving break eo im raar jab buki ipad ak chromebooks ko aer, remaroñ itok jiboñnin Mande im buki. Jabrewōt raan ilo lowaan wiik in im ajiri eo nejim ejjab kōmane katak ko an, kōm nej likiti ilo jako ak(absent), unin an nej lap an aurōk bwe jineer im jemaer ak juon rutto en lale im jibañ e nej kōmane katak ko an ilo mweo. Ñe kwoj loe an ajiri eo nejim jaje im epen an kōmane katak ko an jouj im karoñ lok rikaki eo an ilo awa kein jen 8 awa jibboñ ñan 3 awa raelap. Rikaki ro renej lale email ko aer bareinwōt Seesaw ak Google Classroom ñan aer jibañ rijikuul ro. Renaaj bareinwōt kōman kwelok ilo zoom ippen rijikuul ro ilo jet iaan raan kein kōn menin kab lale wōt ñe eloñ ennaan jen rikaki eo an rijikuul eo nejim. Ekaburomōjmōj bwe kōm ban lo rijikuul ro bōtab eaurōklok bwe jen kejbarok ajiri ro nejid. Komol kōn jibañ ko ami ilo ami nej pād likin ajiri ro nejimi ilo aer nej kōmane katak ko aer jen moko. Jouj im ba tok ñe kwoj aikuij jibañ!
Greetings Springdale Schools Family,
Please see the newsletter that announces Remote Learning for November 30th to December 4th. Plus includes important information about ASP, Food Services, Remote Learning tips and much more.
2nd graders are busy making turkey traps!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Watch the first Springdale Today of the 2020-2021 school year. Stories include: Don Tyson School of Innovation Industrial Maintenance Rib Cutting Event, Band Car Wash at Speedy Splash, the Har-Ber Aviation Program and much more...all of that and more on this episode of Springdale Today.
The Northwest Arkansas Food Bank mobile food pantry will be at Monitor TOMORROW, Tuesday, November 10th from 3:15pm-4:30pm or until food runs out. Please go to the car rider line behind the school, remain in your car, and a staff member will load food into your trunk. We hope to see you then!
Happy National Instructional Coach Appreciation Day to Mrs. Kennedy, Ms. Stewart, Dr. Butler, and Mrs. Campbell. We are so thankful for all you do! 🦆
🍴November Breakfast & Lunch Menus🍴
Monitor Families: Don’t forget to set back your clocks tonight! 🍁
Strong Hearts Hat Day 2020❤️
Our custodians take the cake! We are so thankful for all of their hard work! 🦆
Unity Day 2020- united against bullying ❤️
Happy bus driver appreciation day! We are so thankful for the way our bus drivers serve our students and families! 🦆
If you would like for your child to participate in the flu clinic at school next week, please return their flu form by Friday to ensure we have enough supplies. Thanks!
Attention parents, remember that today, October 16th and Monday October 19th are remote learning days. Please read our flyers in Marshallese below for tips and information about remote learning.
Attention parents, remember that today, October 16th and Monday October 19th are remote learning days. Please read our flyers below for tips and information about remote learning.
Free school meals are still available on the All Virtual Days, Friday and Monday. Both meals can ONLY be picked up on October 16. Preorder by 9am October 16 at http://go.sdale.org/food. Families pick up your meals from any school. Serving families is why Springdale is #TheChoice!
Tomorrow by 9am is the deadline to order free takeout meals for the All Virtual Days, Friday and Monday, October 16 and 19. Order your meals at http://go.sdale.org/food. Families may pick up their meals from any school. Serving families is why Springdale is #TheChoice!
Monitor Families: If your child needs access to the internet to complete their assignments on our remote learning days [Friday + Monday], here are some locations across our community where you can access free WiFi. 💻
Parents: If you are interested in our family literacy program, please see the information below. We would love for you to be a part of this wonderful program!
Parents don't forget! October 16th and 19th will be remote learning days. Please see the flyers below in Marshallese for more information.