Career Action Planning
Springdale High School Counseling Center
Parents and Students:
Please review the high school graduation policy contained in the course guides that can be found by accessing the SHS Counseling Center page (link is to the left). Graduation from Springdale Public Schools is the responsibility of the student and parent. The school’s staff can and will give advice about the courses that are offered, but ultimately success in high school rests upon the shoulders of each student. NO student will be allowed to participate in graduation ceremonies without having successfully completed graduation requirements prior to the date of graduation ceremonies.
The high school teachers and administrators are your greatest source of information when making course selections for the coming year. Please consult the school website to learn more about each course we offer. When questions arise should you need to call or email your high school to get information, please do so. The appropriate person will return your call or set up an appointment with you, so that you can make informed decisions about which courses to take. Courses listed in this booklet that do not attract enough students during registration will not be offered.
Please plan on attending the Student Led Conference which will include the confirmation of your student’s course request for the upcoming year. Your designated school will be in contact with you regarding the date and time.
We recommend that students and parents work together planning the courses to be taken for the three years of high school, not simply those to be taken during the coming year.
Regardless of the students’ post-high school plans, it is strongly recommended that students remain enrolled in English, math, science, and social studies courses each year.
SHS School Administrators, Faculty, and Staff