School Social Workers


Springdale Public Schools social workers C.A.R.E. about our students and their families!



Our mission is to provide services to students, families, and district staff to support and promote each student’s academic and social success.

What do social workers do in our schools?

School social workers are licensed professionals who play a pivotal role within our schools, offering invaluable support and services to students, families, and school staff. Their responsibilities encompass a wide array of tasks, including:

Resource Referral: At Springdale Public Schools, we understand how difficult times affect us all. We want to create a culture of lifting up our families and provide a safe space to access support when needed. In light of this, social workers connect students and families with community resources and support services, including mental health agencies, housing assistance programs, healthcare providers, and other social services. Kindly explore our Community Connection Center for quick access to community resources that may benefit your family.

Emotional & Behavioral Support: Springdale school social workers offer support in a safe and confidential space for students to express themselves, explore their emotions, and develop coping strategies. Social workers also assist students during immediate crises related to mental health and wellbeing. Additionally, social workers can educate and provide intervention and support regarding substance use.

Assistance with Housing Insecurity: Springdale school social workers intervene with our families experiencing homelessness through our Families in Transition (FIT) program, which you can read more about below and on our FIT page.

Academic Support: Springdale school social workers can provide academic support by assisting students with goal setting to improve grades and engagement, as well as connecting them with tutoring opportunities and resources when needed.

Overall, school social workers play a vital role in fostering a positive school climate, nurturing social-emotional learning, and ensuring that every student has the opportunity to flourish academically, socially, and emotionally.

Hearts for Homelessness

Join us again this year for Hearts for Homelessness on Tuesday, April 8th at 6:30pm! Hearts for Homelessness is a special fundraising event dedicated to supporting Springdale Public Schools’ Family in Transition (FIT) Program. This vital program provides essential resources—such as school supplies, transportation, clothing, and emergency assistance—to students experiencing homelessness.

During the event, the district will accept in person donations, but we also accept electronic donations! If you would like to make an electronic donation, please visit and type “Hearts for Homelessness” in the description box. Donations can also be mailed to ATTENTION: Hearts for Homelessness Springdale Public Schools, 804 West Johnson Avenue, Springdale, AR, 72765.

All donations will be used to support the 850 Springdale students experiencing homelessness in the Families in Transition Program. Your generosity helps ensure that every child in our district has the support they need to achieve academic and social success.

Additionally, a huge thanks to Sam’s Furniture who is sponsoring this event!

H4H Flyer

Slider is playing

Photos from Hearts for Homelessness, 2024

Families in Transition

School social workers help students and their families who are experiencing homelessness through our Families in Transition program, also known as "FIT". The FIT program was born from the McKinney Vento Act, which serves to provide youth experiencing homelessness with the necessary support and resources to ensure their access to a stable and quality education, regardless of their housing situation, by addressing barriers such as enrollment, transportation, and school stability.

To learn more about the FIT program, click here.

Summer EBT

Summer EBT provides grocery-buying benefits to low-income families with school-aged children when schools are closed for the summer. Summer EBT benefits will come in the form of pre-loaded cards that families can use to purchase groceries.

Continuing in summer 2025, families will receive $120 per eligible child. These benefits work together with other available FNS nutrition assistance programs, such as summer meal sites, SNAP, and WIC, to help ensure kids have consistent access to critical nutrition when school is out.

You may automatically qualify for Summer EBT without the need to apply. If your student eats free or reduced lunch, you may automatically qualify. Use the tool on this webpage to determine if you automatically qualify, need to apply, or do not qualify. If you do not automatically qualify and need to apply, you can fill out the application form here and bring it to your local DHS office or email it to The summer EBT card will be mailed to you, so please update your address with your child's school to ensure you receive it. If you have questions about Summer EBT, check out these FAQs or reach out to your school's social worker. Additionally, feel free to use the informational link below.

Summer EBT Info

Double Your Dollars (DYD) Program

The Double Your Dollars (DYD) Program is a farmers market incentive program for SNAP, WIC, and Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program recipients. DYD partners with 8 farmers markets in Benton and Washington counties. Those who receive SNAP/Summer EBT benefits can shop at the participating farmers' markets to get double the fruits and veggies. The process is as follows: individuals must bring their physical EBT Card, find the manager's "booth," tell them how much they would like to use of their preloaded benefits from the state (example: $5), then they will receive $10 in "DYD Coins" and can use these at any of the participating farmers' markets. The coins do not expire and can be used throughout farmer's market season (through October). The coins cannot be refunded but can be rolled over to the next season as long as the program continues to exist.


Free and Reduced Lunch

Complete the school meal form today to determine if your students are eligible for free meals at school! By filling out this form, you not only support our district in numerous ways, including employing social workers, but also unlock potential benefits for your family beyond school meals. Qualifying families may access additional advantages, such as scholarship opportunities and discounted internet services. Click here to apply! If you need assistance, contact the social worker at your child's school building.