Due to a shortage of drivers, bus #132 will not be running today (4/25).
over 2 years ago, Patrick Scott
Updated Bus information: Bus 178 and Bus 191 will NOT be running at all today. Bus 132 will NOT run this afternoon.
over 2 years ago, Brittney Hickman
Bus Information for Friday 4/22: Bus 191 WILL NOT run AT ALL; Bus 178 and Bus 132 will NOT run in the afternoon only.
over 2 years ago, Brittney Hickman
The Springdale Trailblazers student mountain bike team is looking for new riders for the 2022 season. Our team is open to all Springdale Students grades 6-12, all students are invited to join regardless of experience or ability level. We have 2 events coming up for any interested new and returning riders. Bring your bike to join in skills training, competitions, prizes, as well as meet our coaches and returning team members to learn more about our team and league. April 26, Tuesday 6pm @ the Jones Center, Runway Pump track Girls only ride: April 30, Saturday 9 a.m. @ JB Hunt Park (North parking lot). Coach Janelle and Coach Christian will be taking the girls on a Greenway ride May 10, Tuesday 6pm @ the Jones Center, Runway Pump track For more information check out our website: www.springdaletrailblazers.com or email us: springdalemtb@gmail.com
over 2 years ago, Helen Tyson Middle School
Attention all current and future volleyball players...Check out this great opportunity to improve your game this Summer!!
over 2 years ago, Patrick Scott
Volleyball Camp Summer 2022
Please check out these two great opportunities to get your child ready for competition and trained by the best!
over 2 years ago, Patrick Scott
Har-Ber Football Camp Summer 2022
Har-Ber Speed Camp Summer 2022
Updated Bus Info for the remainder of the week: Wed 4/20:Bus 178, Bus 132, Bus 135 NOT running this afternoon. Thur 4/21 & Fri 4/22: Bus 178, Bus 132, Bus 191 will NOT run in the AFTERNOONS.
over 2 years ago, Brittney Hickman
Bus 135 and Bus 178 will NOT be running at all today Wednesday 4/20. Reminder: Bus 132 will NOT be running in the Afternoons.
over 2 years ago, Brittney Hickman
In addition to Bus 135 NOT running at all today, please remember that bus 132 and 178 will NOT be running in the afternoons until further notice.
over 2 years ago, Brittney Hickman
Bus 135 WILL NOT be running at all today Tuesday 4/19.
over 2 years ago, Brittney Hickman
Happy Easter everyone! Please take a quick minute to review this newsletter that provides information about ACT Aspire testing this week at HTMS. https://www.smore.com/ds5rw
over 2 years ago, Patrick Scott
Parents, We will begin jerbal aspire testing ilo Mande eo 18th im kõṃṃan juon test per day, beginning ippãn writing, then reading, then math, then science, then english. We encourage aolep ajri ro ñan bõk em̦m̦an kiki Jabõt boñ prior ñan eo first day of testing im bõk ñan jikuuḷ early ebwe ñan breakfast. Lastly jouj kõṃṃan sure your ajri's chromebook is charged each boñ. We are asking rijikuul ro ñan bring aer chromebooks im aer chargers each day of testing. Kommool im mõnõnõ easter weekend
over 2 years ago, Helen Tyson Middle School
Padres, Comenzaremos las pruebas de ACT Aspire el lunes 18 y haremos una prueba por día, comenzando con Escritura, luego Lectura, luego Matemáticas, luego Ciencias, luego Inglés. Alentamos a todos los niños a dormir bien el domingo por la noche antes del primer día de exámenes y llegar a la escuela lo suficientemente temprano para desayunar. Por último, asegúrese de cargar el Chromebook de su hijo todas las noches. Les pedimos a los estudiantes que traigan sus Chromebooks Y sus cargadores cada día de prueba. Gracias y Feliz Semana Santa.
over 2 years ago, Helen Tyson Middle School
Parents, We will begin ACT Aspire testing on Monday the 18th and do one test per day, beginning with Writing, then Reading, then Math, then Science, then English. We encourage all children to get good sleep Sunday night prior to the first day of testing and get to school early enough for breakfast. Lastly please make sure your child's chromebook is charged each night. We are asking students to bring their chromebooks AND their chargers each day of testing. Thank you and Happy Easter weekend.
over 2 years ago, Helen Tyson Middle School
Starting on Monday April 18, Buses 178 & 132 will run MORNINGS ONLY. We will update you if there are any changes.
almost 3 years ago, Brittney Hickman
almost 3 years ago, Springdale School District
Bus 178 will NOT be running this afternoon Today and in the afternoons for the remainder of the week. Bus 132 will NOT be running TOMORROW afternoon. Bus 191 will NOT be running in the afternoons on Thursday or Friday.
almost 3 years ago, Brittney Hickman
2022 Green Bench Challenge!
almost 3 years ago, Helen Tyson Middle School
Green Bench
HTMS Book Drive
almost 3 years ago, Helen Tyson Middle School
book drive
almost 3 years ago, Helen Tyson Middle School