On Monday, August 26th, from 10:00 am-2:00 pm, Springdale Public Schools, in partnership with Tyson Foods, NWA Food Bank & Cargill will be hosting a drive-through food giveaway for Springdale Public School students, parents and staff. This event will be at the Treehouse Pantry, located at 802 West Allen Avenue, Springdale, AR. This food giveaway will be by Sign-Up Genius appointments ONLY. One appointment per family. Your Sign-Up Genius appointment confirmation will be your ticket to this event. Please print out or be able to show your appointment confirmation on your phone. Please complete this Sign-Up Genius and arrive at your appointment time to pink up food at this event. Please do not arrive early.
El lunes 26 de agosto, de 10:00 a. m. a 2:00 p. m., las Escuelas Públicas de Springdale, en asociación con Tyson Foods, NWA Food Bank y Cargill, organizarán una entrega de alimentos para los estudiantes, padres y personal de las Escuelas Públicas de Springdale. Este evento será en Treehouse Pantry, ubicado en 802 West Allen Avenue, Springdale, AR. Este sorteo de comida se realizará ÚNICAMENTE mediante citas de Sign-Up Genius. Una cita por familia. La confirmación de su cita de Sign-Up Genius será su boleto para este evento. Imprima o pueda mostrar la confirmación de su cita en su teléfono. Complete este Sign-Up Genius y llegue a la hora de su cita para preparar la comida rosa en este evento. Por favor no llegue temprano.
First day activities in Ms. Higgins kindergarten classroom.
First day activities in Mrs. Sotier's fifth grade classroom
The School Board discussed student cell phone usage, award-winning staff, substitute pay increases, student achievements and more news relevant to the #SpringdaleFamily at the August meeting!
Read the full story here: https://secure.smore.com/n/vwmt3-school-board-meeting-news
Remember today is early dismissal at 1:50 pm. Please make sure you make arrangements to pick up your child at school on time. Thank you!
Hoy es miercoles y los estudiantes salen a la 1:50 pm. Por favor hacer arreglos para levantarlos a tiempo. Gracias!
Learn more about the exciting news happening within Springdale Schools by checking out information from the June School Board meeting! #SpringdaelFamily
Explore more here: https://secure.smore.com/n/ec51h-school-board-meeting-news
Congratulations to this week's Lexia Award Winners!
Congratulations to these 2nd Grade Lexia Award Winners!
District retirees, robotics students and new staff were celebrated at the May School Board meeting. #SpringdaleFamily
Learn more about the meeting, to include the approved 2024-25 salary schedule, here: https://secure.smore.com/n/9vzykm-school-board-meeting-news
Beau and I are ready to see you all tonight at "Pawty" on the Playground!!
Mrs. Heim's Kindergarten class working hard on their Phonics lesson!
Congratulations to Ella! She's the Grand Student!
Congratulations to this week's Lexia Award Winners!!
Food Pantry tomorrow!
Congratulations to this week's Lexia Award Winners!
Party on the Playground
5th grade has been rocking decades themed test prep last week! After all that hard work, comes the fun! Students got to play Hungry, Hungry Hippo!
Congratulations to this week's Lexia Award Winners!
Hat Day i s Friday, April 19th!!
Kindergarten had the best day during the Solar Eclipse last week.